The Wentworth 18th Annual Ice Carving Competition
On Monday, January 9th we had nine carvers from around New England carve 300 lb blocks of ice into clowns, dragons, fish, a margarita bar, angels and even a road runner. Over the years we have seen these sculptures melt in as little as a few days or last until the middle of March.
Starting last year we had our own competition for those on our e-mail guest list and facebook friends. By submitting a guess as to the date when the last ice sculpture would topple, those with the correct date were entered into a draw to win a two night stay in a deluxe suite. We received over 2,000 guesses and the lucky winner is actually using her certificate on a Sunday and Monday this coming February.
Again this year we are holding the same competition – the guesses this year are a little more conservative due to how warm this winter has been so far. We actually have had to only eliminate 20 guesses so far. Pictured above is this years winner Dennis Hickey of Ice Breakers a regular participant in our ice carving competition. Make sure that you join our mailing list and like us on Facebook for updates on future events and competitions.