Jackson Innkeepers Yard Sale at The Wentworth
This Memorial Day weekend, the surrounding inns in Jackson Village will be participating in our first ever “Inn-wide Yard Sale”. This is a great way for us to showcase our elegant tent…and…try to clear out space with some overstocked inventory. The sale will be held from 10-5 on Saturday and Sunday this Memorial Day weekend. We will be selling items such as lamps, china, furniture, televisions and a whole lot more. Add all our great inventory in with the other surrounding inns and businesses’ inventory and that’s a recipe for success….and great deals. Speaking of recipes, while your shopping under our tent, stop by our back deck for lunch and enjoy some classic pub favorites. That’s right….The Wentworth is now serving lunch on our outdoor deck from 11:30-2:00 on Saturdays and Sundays. What a weekend!!! For more information, please call us at 800-637-0013 or just stop by this weekend for some shopping and lunch. We hope to see you there!!

The Wentworth Inn’s relaxing Back Deck